Get the facts on health
Fact checks about medical conditions, the NHS, social care and government funding of national health services
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Health misinformation can ruin lives and damage health services. Our health team fact checks claims about health including funding and delivery, and dangerous medical claims, and makes recommendations to improve the quality of public information about health. We are grateful to the Health Foundation and the European Media and Information Fund for their support of this work.
As an independent charity, none of our funders have a say in what we choose to check, or our conclusions. More information about our funding.
Latest health fact checks
The Covid-19 virus does exist
A post on Instagram features a woman making incorrect claims about the existence of Covid-19.
No, graphene oxide is not in San Pellegrino water
A misleading video of an ‘experiment’ claiming to reveal graphene oxide in sparkling water has resurfaced online.
A Covid vaccine made with HIV protein was trialled but never rolled out
A viral clip from a BBC documentary shows that an HIV protein was used in a Covid vaccine trial, but fails to mention the vaccine itself was scrapped soon afterwards.