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27 June 2024, 2.17pm

Have 15,000 or 50,000 arrived on small boats since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister?

While monitoring media outlets this morning we spotted that the lead article on the front page of today's Daily Telegraph (‘Sunak's plea to voters: Don't surrender Britain to Labour’) quotes Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer in last night’s BBC Prime Ministerial Debate saying: “There are tens of thousands, 15,000 people have come [across the Channel] since Rishi Sunak has been Prime Minister.” 

The Daily Express, on page four (‘Sunak rips into Starmer on immigration in TV debate’), also includes the same quote.

But we think this is an error and possibly misquotes Mr Starmer. On BBC iPlayer at 25:27 we think Mr Starmer says “50,000 people” not 15,000. At other points throughout the debate (22:15, 28:37 and 29:56) we think he also says 50,000.

Indeed, this figure tallies with reports this week that more than 50,000 migrants have arrived in the UK after crossing the Channel since Mr Sunak became Prime Minister, including over 13,000 so far this year. 

Since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister on 25 October 2022 until yesterday (26 June 2024) 50,258 people have arrived on small boats. 

We have contacted the Labour party, as well as the Telegraph and Express for comment, and will update this post if they respond.

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27 June 2024, 10.31am

Some common misunderstandings about junior doctors’ pay

Junior doctors—now also called “resident doctors”—begin a five-day strike in England today. In the past we’ve seen these strikes provoke much discussion (and some confusion) about their pay.

For one thing, no junior doctors are currently paid £14 an hour. As we’ve said more than once, this figure was the basic pay (in 2022/23) for first-year doctors only (who make up about a tenth of all junior doctors). 

Most junior doctors earn substantially more than this because they are more senior, or because of extra earnings for things like unsocial hours. In any case, a pay rise last year means that even the basic pay of first-year doctors is now slightly higher, at £15.53 an hour. 

At the time of writing, we don’t yet know what the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration will recommend for 2024/25.  

The real value of junior doctors’ pay has certainly fallen since the late 2000s, but we have seen claims that doctors received an above inflation pay rise last year. This was debatable, at least where junior doctors were concerned, because it depended which measure of inflation you used.

We’ve also seen some recent arguments about how much it would cost the government to meet junior doctors’ pay demands. The health secretary Victoria Atkins and the BMA, a union that represents many junior doctors, have disagreed about this recently.

While we haven’t checked those recent claims specifically, the Department of Health and Social Care and the BMA have disagreed about this before. In our previous fact check on the subject, we explained that the real issue on that occasion was whether you accounted for the money that doctors pay back to the government in tax.  

You’ll find these and other fact checks about junior doctors on our dedicated junior doctors page.

26 June 2024, 9.49pm

Posted on X

Rishi Sunak said in the #BBCDebate that “we have started cutting your taxes and I will keep cutting your taxes”.

National Insurance contributions have been reduced from 12% to 8%, but the so-called ‘tax burden’ is high, and forecast to rise further. #GE24

The effective personal tax rate is at its lowest since 1975, but that doesn’t include all the taxes people pay.

We’ve written more here. #BBCDebate #GE24

26 June 2024, 9.35pm

Posted on X

Rishi Sunak said at #BBCDebate “for everyone in work we are going to continue cutting National Insurance, £900 this year”.

That’s how much someone on the average salary, not everyone in work, will save on NI this year but it doesn’t account for other tax changes. #GE24

@TheIFS says once the impact of all tax changes since 2021 is factored in, the average worker will save £340 in 2024/25.

We recently checked a similar claim. #BBCDebate #GE24


26 June 2024, 9.14pm

Posted on X

During the #BBCDebate Keir Starmer said Labour’s manifesto plans are “fully funded” and “fully costed”.

But @TheIFS cast doubt on both Labour and the Conservatives’ claims to have fully-costed manifestos earlier this week. #GE24


26 June 2024, 9.14pm

Posted on X

In the #BBCDebate Rishi Sunak said the UK’s economy in the first quarter of this year was the “fastest growing in the G7”.

GDP figures for Q1 2024 show this is right, but last year the UK’s annual growth was among the worst in the G7. #GE24

26 June 2024, 8.52pm

Posted on X

During the #BBCDebate, Keir Starmer claimed “nearly 8 million people are on the waiting list”.

But that’s not what NHS England data shows. There are 7.6 million *cases* on the waiting list, involving about 6.3 million *patients*. #GE24 https://buff.ly/3xCmjpj
We’ve seen similar claims from other politicians and parties too.

As we’ve written before, there are always more cases than people in the data, because some people are awaiting treatment for more than one thing. #BBCDebate #GE24

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26 June 2024, 8.14pm

Posted on X

We’re fact checking the #BBCDebate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer—the last scheduled head-to-head for these two leaders in this election campaign. 🍿 #GE24

👀 Follow along with us on X!


26 June 2024, 4.43pm

Conservative X post takes comments made by Martin Lewis out of context

In a post shared on X (formerly Twitter) the Conservative party claimed: “Labour have said they wouldn't put up your taxes. But it's now becoming clear that they have every intention to put them up 👇”.

The post features a video of consumer financial journalist and broadcaster Martin Lewis speaking on Good Morning Britain (GMB) earlier today.

In the clip Mr Lewis says: “I had a conversation with a senior member of the Labour party, a private conversation, as I do with both parties. And the exact phrase they used with me is, when I asked about a particular policy, they said: ‘we’re not putting it in our manifesto because I can’t commit we’ll do it, but it is my aim we will do it over the next parliament’.”

The Conservatives appear to be using Mr Lewis’s comment to suggest that Labour intends to increase taxes beyond what has been set out in the party’s manifesto.

But, as Mr Lewis himself has pointed out, this takes his comments out of context.

Replying to the Conservatives’ post directly, Mr Lewis said on X: “NO WHERE in this comment do I talk about taxes. And the policy that I discussed (i will keep private as it was private) was NOT about taxes, or tax rises, it was about something that would be a positive change. [sic]”

Mr Lewis’s comments on GMB followed an interview with Labour’s shadow work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall, who, when asked whether she would rule out scrapping the 25% tax free allowance on pensions, said “we have set out all of our plans in the manifesto, there is nothing in our manifesto the requires us to make any other changes”.

Immediately after the comment clipped by the Conservatives Mr Lewis added: “what you heard there is ‘it’s not in our manifesto’, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t planned to be done.”

So while Mr Lewis did broadly question whether Labour, if elected, might look to introduce policies in the future that weren’t in the party’s manifesto, at no point does he specifically suggest Labour is planning to increase taxes in addition to what the party has already confirmed.

Mr Lewis did not offer any comment beyond what he said on social media. We’ve approached the Conservatives and the Labour party for comment and will update this post if we receive a response.

26 June 2024, 4.27pm

Assessing the manifestos against our calls for change

With just over a week until polling day, the major parties’ manifestos have all been published, and the team at Full Fact have been busy assessing them. While we have been fact checking each of the manifestos and looking at the extent to which they meet our manifesto standards, we have also been investigating whether any policy proposals align with our own calls for change

Our verdict is now in: there are positive signs in the manifestos, including a number of commitments to reform the parliamentary system and proposals to amend the Online Safety Act. A number of parties understand that urgent action is needed to tackle bad information and have proposed concrete changes that we think would be beneficial. 

However, there are some serious shortcomings. We are not confident that any of the major parties campaigning to become the next government have robust enough proposals to protect democracy, improve honesty and trust in politics, or tackle misinformation.

A short review of manifestos:

  • Reforms to the parliamentary system, specifically to make the ministerial code statutory, feature in a number of the manifestos. With public trust in politics at a 40-year low, we would want to see parties prioritising legislative reform to fix this.
  • Despite the Online Safety Act being mentioned in nearly all of the manifestos, none directly stated that tackling harmful misinformation would prompt them to legislate further.
  • Only one of the seven manifestos we reviewed mentions media literacy. We are disappointed that this issue appears to be low on the parties’ radars. Good media literacy is needed to equip the public with skills to recognise bad information.

Read the full blog article and our verdict against each of our policy calls.


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